Wednesday 2 October 2013

wonderful women

Naomi Armitage, right, and her friend Hayley Wells, who gave birth to Naomi's baby Ameilie in January this year


The wonderful women who gave birth for us: Best friends, sisters, even neighbours. Four proud (and oh-so grateful) mothers and their surrogates tell their moving stories

  • Naomi Armitage, 33, from Leicestershire, had daughter Amelie with help from her next-door neighbour
  • Elif Tuccaroglu, 37, from Aberdeen, had son Mason, two, thanks to best friend Lily Smith, 31
  • Amanda Gudz, 39, from Northamptonshire, had Esme, five, and Thea, two, thanks to her sister Sam Lewin
  • Katy Slade, 32, from Essex, had baby Beatrix with help from her sister and sister-in-law


Naomi Armitage, right, and her friend Hayley Wells, who gave birth to Naomi's baby Ameilie in January this year

Naomi Armitage, 33, works for Nuffield Health and lives in Aylestone, Leicestershire, with husband Richard, 32, and nine-month-old daughter Amelie. Her surrogate Hayley Wells, 34, lives near Leicester with husband Brett, 32, and their children Connor, seven, Sam, six, and Lyla, four.
Naomi says: 'The biggest favour most people do for a neighbour is water their plants while they're away. Mine carried my baby.
In September 2011, I was devastated to learn I had cervical cancer and would never be able to have a child. Richard and I had always wanted a family, and we were heartbroken.
Shortly afterwards, I saw Hayley - who'd lived opposite us for four years, but who I barely knew - chasing after her toddler in the cul-de-sac.
'Lyla's got the devil in her today, do you want her?' she shouted. The timing was terrible, and I dissolved into tears; I'd have done anything to swap with her. I explained surrogacy was my only hope of motherhood, when Hayley suddenly said: 'I'll have a baby for you.'
Of course I didn't think she was serious. But three days later I saw her again and she told me she'd talked to her husband and meant every word. The following day Hayley, Richard and I were hugging in my kitchen - the first time she'd been inside my house - after we agreed to go ahead using my eggs and Richard's sperm.
The four of us had counselling to check we understood the implications. We spent a lot of time getting to know - and trust - each other.
I had eggs collected in October 2011 and started cancer treatment the next week. Hayley then went on a diet to get her in optimum health for the pregnancy. I went running with her every day throughout my radiotherapy. It was the least I could do if she was having my baby.
In May 2012, the four of us went to CARE Fertility clinic in Nottingham where two embryos were transferred into Hayley's womb.
Throughout the pregnancy, I trusted her totally, though living so close meant I'd often spot her carrying heavy shopping. Sometimes I did think 'Put them down!'
We never thought Hayley might want to keep Amelie - if she wanted to she could have a baby herself. UK law forbids paying surrogates, but you can pay expenses up to £15,000: in our case, we paid for her personal trainer and maternity clothes.
Amelie was born by Caesarean section with me by Hayley's side. When the nurse brought Amelie to me - I held her first - it really was love at first sight.
Two days later, Hayley was discharged, and we took our daughter home. Hayley and I are extremely close now, and she sees Amelie all the time. I didn't just gain a child - I gained an amazing friend.'
Hayley says: 'When Naomi explained her situation, it sparked something deep inside me. Pregnancy had always been so easy and enjoyable for me, and she wouldn't ever be able to experience that.
Offering to carry her baby seemed an entirely logical reaction and when Brett agreed we should help, it felt like fate. He's always said he never had any reservations. I was sure my family was complete so knew I wouldn't want to keep the baby.
The implantation itself took about five minutes - and was no worse than a smear test.
I'll always remember taking the positive pregnancy test round to Naomi in a carrier bag and telling her I'd bought her a present. When she opened it we both burst into tears.
Throughout the pregnancy, I was able to feel emotionally detached from the baby - after all, she wasn't mine - but there's no way I could have had a natural birth. To me, labour is part of the bonding process, so I asked for a Caesarean. My hormones were up and down for a few days afterwards and I cried a lot, but there was no sense I'd done the wrong thing, or feelings of loss.
Although we've since moved house, we still we see Naomi, Richard and Amelie. We're bonded for life. It's incredible being able to give another woman the gift of a child.'
Lilly Smith, left, offered to be a surrogate mum for her friend Elif Tuccaroglu, right, carrying Mason, two, after she found out Elif had been born without a womb
Lilly Smith, left, offered to be a surrogate mum for her friend Elif Tuccaroglu, right, carrying Mason, two, after she found out Elif had been born without a womb

Elif Tuccaroglu, 37, runs a beauty business and lives in Aberdeen with partner Gerry, 33, an offshore engineer, and son Mason, two. Lily Smith, 31, works in catering and lives in Aberdeen with husband John, 34, an engineer, and children Tony, 13, and Lily, seven.
Elif says: 'I was 18 when I learned I was born without a womb. When Gerry and I got together ten years ago, I told him straight away.
Three years ago, we began looking at options. One was surrogacy, but joining an agency cost £1,000 plus expenses - way beyond our budget.
Lily and I are very close: we tell each other everything. One night in 2010, we were having a glass of wine when surrogacy came up. Without hesitation, Lily said she'd do it. I thought she'd had one drink too many, but the next day she called to say she had her husband's blessing.
From then on, it all moved very quickly and an embryo created with my egg and Gerry's sperm was implanted in Lily in the summer of 2010. Lily was very sick for the first few months and I felt awful about that, but she never complained.
Mason was born weighing 8lb 12oz by planned Caesarean on May 25, 2011, with me at Lily's side in the operating theatre.
My greatest fear was that I wouldn't bond with my baby, but when the nurse handed him to me that vanished in an instant. We'd been advised to have a written agreement so I could leave hospital with Mason, but in practice nobody asked to see it.
There are no words that can sum up my thanks to Lily - but we don't need them, she knows how I feel.
Lily says: 'Elif has been my closest friend for ten years - our husbands have been friends since childhood. My own mum died when I was very young, and my two sisters and brother now live in Dubai so my friends mean everything to me.
When Elif told me that she and Gerry were going to need a surrogate, I immediately wanted to help.
I love Elif and it was heartbreaking to think she might miss out on having a family. I've already got a boy and a girl so I knew I wouldn't want to keep another baby.
As with my previous pregnancies I had a horrible time expecting Mason - and for the last three months I had to wear a strap around my hips because of pelvic problems.
I kept going by thinking it was only nine months of my life to make Elif happy for the rest of hers.
Afterwards, I was sent over 30 bouquets of flowers by friends and my sister flew over to look after me. It was very emotional, but my feelings weren't of loss that I'd handed over a baby, rather of pride that I'd transformed a friend's life. Now when I see Mason I view him as my friend's boy - I don't feel in any way that he's mine - but while I love all my friends' children, there's a special place in my heart for him.'


Amanda Gudz, right, with her daughter Esme, five, and her sister Sam Lewin, left, who was a surrogate to Esme for Amanda
Amanda Gudz, right, with her daughter Esme, five, and her sister Sam Lewin, left, who was a surrogate to Esme for Amanda

Amanda Gudz, 39, lives in Rushden, Northamptonshire, with husband Darren, 42 and is a full-time mum to Esme, five, and Thea, two. Her surrogate was her sister Sam Lewin, 33. Separated, she also lives in Rushden with her children Elle, 11, and Anthony, seven.
Amanda says: 'Thinking about the first time I held Esme still brings tears to my eyes. After 15 cycles of IVF, spanning 11 years and costing £30,000, we decided in 2006 that enough was enough, and started to look into adopting.
My little sister Sam and I have always been close, and chat most days. We were talking about adoption when she said: 'How would you feel if I carried a baby for you?' Her offer opened up a whole new world to Darren and me. We never worried Sam would want to keep the baby and trusted her implicitly.
In December 2007, two embryos made from my eggs and Darren's sperm were implanted in Sam's womb. We saw each other every day and I was with Sam when she gave birth, naturally, in September 2008.
Then, in spring 2010, the clinic rang us to ask what we wanted to do with our remaining embryos. Darren and I decided to have one last go ourselves - and amazingly it worked. Thea was born in 2011.
We've always been honest with the girls: if you ask Esme whose tummy she grew in, she says 'Auntie Magic!' which sums up how we feel about Sam. There is nothing we could ever do to repay her.'
Sam says: 'Over the years, it was very hard seeing the pain Amanda and Darren were going through. When I was expecting my own two children, I did feel guilty, even though Amanda never made me feel awkward. But until she mentioned adoption it never crossed my mind I could be their surrogate.
Suddenly it made sense. My family was complete, Amanda still had her ovaries and could have a child that was genetically hers. Why couldn't I do it?
All my life Amanda has been there for me, patiently listening to all my problems. This was something I could do for her.
My son was too young to understand, but my daughter Elle's response to hearing I was growing Auntie Amanda's baby in my tummy was simply: 'Does that mean we'll have a cousin to play with?'
When it came to finances Amanda and Darren paid for time I took off for hospital appointments, and also my maternity clothes.
People often question how I could hand over a baby that I'd carried, but my response is always: 'She wasn't mine to give up.'
It makes a difference that the baby wasn't biologically mine. I don't think I could have used my own egg - that would have been too much like giving up my child.
Amanda was first to hold the baby, and seeing Esme in her arms as she sobbed with happiness was one of the proudest moments of my life.
We left hospital together that lunchtime and there was no sense of emptiness. Just accomplishment.'


Katy Slade, centre, with daughter Beatrix, one, her sister Lucy Marks, right, who donated eggs, and Katy's sister-in-law Jamie, left, who was surrogate
Katy Slade, centre, with daughter Beatrix, one, her sister Lucy Marks, right, who donated eggs, and Katy's sister-in-law Jamie, left, who was surrogate

Primary school teacher Katy Slade, 32, lives in Romford, Essex, with husband David, 34, and daughter Beatrix, one. Katy's sister Lucy Marks, 27, donated eggs and David's sister Jaime Allen, 36, was surrogate. She lives in Romford with her partner and their three children.
Katy says: 'Some women have strained relations with their sisters-in-law, but there aren't enough thank-yous in the world for mine.
I was born with a genetic condition that meant my ovaries and womb never developed. While it didn't bother me when I was young, as an adult it was devastating. I met David in 2003 and as our relationship became serious, he reassured me that we'd find a way to have a family.
My sister Lucy had always said she would donate eggs. I began to consider surrogacy, but it was a huge step trusting a stranger.
Still, when David's sister Jaime offered to be a surrogate over a family dinner in 2010 we laughed it off. But she insisted she was serious.
Early in 2011 we started looking into IVF clinics. Finally, that December, my sister's egg was fertilised with David's sperm and implanted in Jaime's womb. On Christmas Eve we found out she was pregnant - the best present ever.
I spent time talking to my baby, so she'd get used to my voice, and made David do the same although he thought talking to his sister's stomach bizarre.
The moment I held Beatrix was indescribable - something I never thought I'd be able to do. Every day I think how lucky we are. What Lucy and Jaime gave us is priceless.'
Jaime says: 'I couldn't have been a surrogate if I hadn't already had children of my own. I enjoy being pregnant, have easy labours and with my family complete, I wanted to help Katy and David.
Obviously we couldn't do it with my egg and my brother's sperm, and that's where Lucy came in. But once I was pregnant I enjoyed the shocked reaction when I told people: 'I'm having my brother's baby.'
To begin with, going to the scans without my husband but with Katy and David was strange.
And when the baby's born you do have to be really strong. Even though your brain knows it's right that you don't hold the baby, and you know it doesn't belong to you, there's still part of you that thinks it's wrong.
Afterwards I learned my husband and children had been very worried about my health during the pregnancy, so I don't think I could put them through it again.
But I have absolutely no regrets about bringing Beatrix into the world and handing her to Katy and David. My niece is gorgeous.
Seeing them so happy - and knowing I helped make it happen - will never stop giving me pleasure.

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