Friday 27 September 2013


 Bad Boy Prezzo Vehemently Denies Claims That He Is Running Away From The Police!
Bad Boy Prezzo Vehemently Denies Claims That He Is Running Away From The Police!
Last Saturday morning before the Westgate attack that claimed a lot of lives,it was alleged that CMB Prezzo was a man on the run,a fugitive.
It was asserted that the rapper had assaulted a Swiss army officer with a gun and the gunfight could have gotten very ugly had his bodyguards not restrained him.
They say that there are two sides to every story and Prezzo came out to refute claims that there was a gun involved.Speaking to Nation via phone,the rapper said as he tried to drive out of the parking lot, a white guy hurled racial slurs at him calling him a blonde monkey.This infuriated the rapper so much that he punched the guy adding that he reacted that way because"You can insult me the way you want, but when it comes to race, I cannot take the matter lightly.
He then dismissed reports that he was an outlaw saying:
"Rumor has it tht iam in trouble & running frm the law. This are nothing but rumours, iam a free law abiding citizen mourning my country."

Kenyan Artists Cautioned Against Doing Songs on Westgate Attack

Kenyan Artists Cautioned Against Doing Songs on Westgate Attack
In the spirit of mourning our dear departed friends, relatives and soldiers in the unfortunate Westgate terrorist attack, Kenyan artists have been admonished not to record songs on the incident.
Reading the riot act, Kenyan DJ and hip-hop rapper, K-Nel has cautioned fellow artists not to hit the studio to do any project about the Westgate attack.
“Warning To Kenyan Artists; don’t step in Studios and start making "pathetic" #westgate songs in the name of "MOURNING". I speak ma mind out freely!! We have the BIBLE. That's the only scripture we need right now!!!! The Devil is a true liar but he will not conquer! #illuminated”, declared the accomplished artist
He added, “I repeat: all that we need is God and the Bible. If we need a song, we will all stand and SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM.”
You heard?

Thursday 26 September 2013

Nakumatt Loses Third Store In 5 Years


[Photo Courtesy]
Nakumatt Holdings has been losing a store every 20 months in the last five years. There has however been a silent period of over 4 years.

It started in November 2008, when the supermarket chain had its Thika Road branch demolished to pave way for the expansion of Thika Road.
Branch manager at that time, Mr. Thomas Kamau was quoted saying that they had lost close to Sh500 million.

Barely three months later, on January 28th, Nakumatt's CBD branch, Downtown, was brought down by a huge fire. 29 people lost their lives.
The space it occupied is still empty 5 years later. Apparently, the building that housed it was a historical one, and should resemble the previous one.

Following Westgate's terror attack last weekend, Nakumatt's number one branch is gone. Three floors of the mall collapsed, and if the building is declared structurally fine, it will take many weeks to bring it back to its previous state.
In the event engineers declare it too weak, it will have to be brought down and God knows whether its owners will rebuild it.
Even if they do, it will take many months.

Nakumatt Managing Director, Atul Shah, is quoted by Business Daily saying that Nakumatt Westgate was their biggest store in terms of revenue. It accounted for 10% of profits, out of the 33 branches in Kenya.

It has also been speculated that Nakumatt Lifestyle may be temporary closed down during the construction of the proposed Hazina Towers, which is set to be the tallest building in Kenya.

At the end of the day, the supermarket is growing faster than it's losing. In the 5 year period, it may have lost 3 branches, but has opened many more. This includes a big return to Thika Road, through the modern Thika Road Mall.

It's Part of The New World Order


Westgate Was a Hoax; Fake Blood, Paid Actors, Staged Explosions... It's Part of The New World Order

A YouTube video uploaded this week was fast approaching 100,000 views. It alleged that the Westage terror attack was just a big hoax; Fake blood, paid actors, staged explosions, etc.

The original video has been deleted, but several copies had been re-uploaded already.

The narrator goes through some photos from Daily Mail, and his main argument comes from the clear shots the photographers seemed to get. He wonders how anyone would capture such clear photos in the middle of a shooting.
The guy says there's a big conspiracy by the world governments and media, and it's all part of the new world order.
This is the same guy who claimed the US government staged the Boston Marathon explosions.

Watch the video.

Attempted Suicide Goes Wrong


Attempted Suicide Goes Wrong... Man Jumps off Kahawa Footbridge But Survives

On Saturday, as the nation was coming to terms with news that terrorists were taking peoples lives at Westgate, a middle aged man in Kahawa estate was attempting to take his own.

At around 6:30 PM, the man, reportedly accompanied by his wife jumped off the Kahawa Barracks footbridge, falling on the Thika Superhighway tarmac.
Unfortunately for him, he survived.
He lay motionless in a large pool of blood for some minutes, before onlookers carried him to sides. Not a single car hit him, despite the road been super busy.

According to witnesses, most of his major parts were broken, plus a severe head injury. After lying on the road side for quite some time, a willing motorist took him to hospital.

Some witnesses said that upon jumping, his screaming wife wanted to follow him down, but was prevented by onlookers.
- See more at:

The Filthy Toilets


Visitors At State House Nairobi Shocked By The Filthy Toilets
On Wednesday, the STAR newspaper, on its gossip section, reported that some visitors at State House Nairobi were shocked to come across a filthy loo.. in one of the most iconic buildings in the country.

Everyone has his own imagination of how State House looks like, aside from the main entrance. This is of course those who have not stepped inside.
Some picture State House as a place of milk and honey; green grass lawns, expensive furniture, etc. They may be right.
However, no one has pictured the house on the hill as a place of filthy toilets.

According to the paper, this particular loo is only a few steps from the main entrance, and it's used by policemen. Regular visitors have apparently got used to it, as it has been like that for years.
You can bet the presidents (past and present), have probably never known about the situation.

Horrific claims of torture

Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were dismembered, had their eyes gouged out and were left hanging from hooks in the ceiling

'Eyes gouged out, bodies hanging from hooks, and fingers removed with pliers': Horrific claims of torture emerge as soldiers reveal gory Kenyan mall massacre details

  • Kenyan soldiers claim to find scenes of torture by mall terrorists
  • They say children found dead in food fridges with knives still in bodies
  • Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed
Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were dismembered, had their eyes gouged out and were left hanging from hooks in the ceiling.
Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged.
Children were found dead in the food court fridges with knives still embedded in their bodies, it was claimed.
Soldiers have told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday as the first pictures of inside the centre have emerged

Most of the defeated terrorists, meanwhile, were reportedly discovered ‘burnt to ashes’, set alight by the last extremist standing to try to protect their identities.
The horrifying details came yesterday as the first pictures emerged from within the wreckage of the building, showing piles of bodies left strewn across the floor.
A third of the mall was destroyed in the battle between terrorists and Kenyan troops.
Lying in the rubble are feared to be the bodies of as many as 71 civilians who have been declared missing by the Kenyan Red Cross.
With detectives, including the FBI and the Metropolitan Police, still unable to reach the wrecked part of the mall for fear of setting off explosives, it could take up to a week to determine exactly who is still inside.
Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged during the four day siege
Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged during the four day siege

Pictured is the aftermath at Westgate Shopping Mall where the roof of the car park collapsed crushing three floors
Pictured is the aftermath at Westgate Shopping Mall where the roof of the car park collapsed crushing three floors

Yesterday, soldiers and doctors who were among the first people into the mall after it was reclaimed on Tuesday, spoke of the horrifying scenes inside.
‘You find people with hooks hanging from the roof,’ said one Kenyan doctor, who asked not to be named.
‘They removed eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood.
‘They drive knives inside a child’s body.
'Actually if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped by pliers. Here it was pain.’
A soldier, who took pictures at a bread counter and at the ArtCaffe, said he was so traumatised by what he saw he has had to seek counselling.
Bomb disposal experts with sniffer dogs were yesterday painstakingly combing the part of the building still standing for explosives before clearing forensic officers, police and troops to search for bodies.
Yesterday, soldiers and doctors who were among the first people into the mall after it was reclaimed on Tuesday, spoke of the horrifying scenes inside
Yesterday, soldiers and doctors who were among the first people into the mall after it was reclaimed on Tuesday, spoke of the horrifying scenes inside

Bomb disposal experts with sniffer dogs were yesterday painstakingly combing the part of the building still standing for explosives before clearing forensic officers, police and troops to search for bodies
Bomb disposal experts with sniffer dogs were yesterday painstakingly combing the part of the building still standing for explosives before clearing forensic officers, police and troops to search for bodies

The collapse happened on Monday when government troops launched a massive assault on the mall where up to 150 people are thought to have been killed
The collapse happened on Monday when government troops launched a massive assault on the mall where up to 150 people are thought to have been killed

Images also emerged yesterday revealing the true extent of the destruction caused to the centre during the four-day battle between Kenyan forces and Islamic militants.
The first pictures taken inside the site show a gaping hole in the mall's roof after three storeys collapsed when Kenyan soldiers fired rocket-propelled grenades inside the complex, knocking out a support column, a government official said.
Children's buggies are left abandoned just metres from the yawning pit, as cars hang precariously over the edge. Beneath many more vehicles lie on top of each other, smashed to pieces.
The collapse happened on Monday when government troops launched a massive assault on the mall where up to 150 people are thought to have been killed.
During the firefight, hostages reportedly had their throats slashed from ear to ear and were thrown screaming from third-floor balconies as the siege came to a bloody end. Forensics teams, still sifting through the mountains of rubble, fear many more bodies are yet to be found.
Shell-shocked Kenyan troops said the inside of the Israeli-run mall resembled a ‘scene from a horror movie’ with blood spattered everywhere and dead bodies strewn across the floor.
Between 10 and 15 terrorists are thought to have stormed the mall on Saturday, according to Kenyan officials. The police said five insurgents were killed in the battle and at least 10 taken into custody
Between 10 and 15 terrorists are thought to have stormed the mall on Saturday, according to Kenyan officials. The police said five insurgents were killed in the battle and at least 10 taken into custody

One soldier told the Daily Mirror: 'I have seen many bad things, but this will haunt me for the rest of my days.'
The main thrust of the operation began at 6am on Monday when troops and helicopters surrounded the building, but their efforts were hampered by an Al Shabaab sniper who managed to pin them back for nearly 24 hours.
As tear gas was used to try to flush him out, another terrorist reportedly blew himself up. It is believed the resulting fire may have killed dozens of shoppers in a supermarket.
The following day, the soldiers were ordered to adopt a 'shoot to kill' policy and launched their final attack on the terror group on the roof of the mall at 5pm.
The mall was retaken about half an hour later.
Between 10 and 15 terrorists are thought to have stormed the mall on Saturday, according to Kenyan officials.
The police said five insurgents were killed in the battle and at least 10 taken into custody.

A selfless Kenyan man

Their story: Portia Walton runs for the safety of Kenya mall hero Abdul Haji. The Waltons have now shared their harrowing tale, giving backstory to this now-iconic photo


The family behind the photo: American mother reveals how a selfless Kenyan man rushed to besieged Nairobi mall and helped usher her three daughters to safety

  • 'We were just going to meet my two older boys in the supermarket when we heard an explosion': American mother of five Katherine Walton was expecting a normal day of shopping but quickly became trapped in the line of fire
  • Abdul Haji, the son of a former Kenyan security minister, helped get Katherine and her three daughters, along with other women and children, escape to safety during the terrifying ordeal

An American mother of five living in Nairobi decided to get out of the house with a family trip to the local mall last Saturday and wound up trapped in the line of fire with her three daughters as Kenya's Westgate Mall was seiged by terrorists.
Katherine Walton, who moved to Africa with her kids and husband Phillip two years ago, found herself trapped beneath a table outside her local supermarket. She says if weren't for a man named Abdul Haji, she's not sure if she or the women and children she was trapped with for hours would have gotten out alive.
Haji rushed to the rescue at the start of what became a bloody three-day siege and his story and likeness were immortalized with a dramatic photo that was snapped as he helped Walton's 4-year-old daughter Portia get to safety.
Scroll down for video...
Their story: Portia Walton runs for the safety of Kenya mall hero Abdul Haji. The Waltons have now shared their harrowing tale, giving backstory to this now-iconic photo

The Waltons spoke of their terrifying ordeal to the Telegraph and described what led to that unforgettable snapshot of little Portia ran to grab the hand of hero Abdul Haji amid gunfire and bloody bodies.
'We were just going to meet my two older boys in the supermarket when we heard an explosion,' Walton, 38, who moved to Kenya from North Carolina two years ago, told the Telegraph.
Walton quickly ran for cover.

‘I grabbed the girls and started running. A woman pulled us behind a promotional table opposite. I could see the bullets hitting above the shops and hear the screaming all around us.’
Terrifying: Katherine Walton, left, is an American living in Kenya who was at the Westgate mall last Saturday with her five kids when the siege occurred. They got out alive with the help of Haji
Terrifying: Katherine Walton, left, is an American living in Kenya who was at the Westgate mall last Saturday with her five kids when the siege occurred. They got out alive with the help of Haji

Hero: Haji became a hero when he helped the Waltons and many others escape the mall after terrorists struck
Hero: Haji became a hero when he helped the Waltons and many others escape the mall after terrorists struck

Walton and her kids were trapped, along with a Kenyan woman and two Indian women for hours beneath the table. The other women helped the shell shocked Walton calm the girls.
‘They were so still and quiet,’ Walton said. ‘My baby was screaming when there was shooting but between that, she just slept. In one lull in the fighting, my two-year-old and the baby were playing together with my phone. I couldn't understand how they could be acting like everything was fine.’
After what must have felt like an eternity of whizzing bullets and the screams of terrorists and victims alike, Walton spotted an intrepid man with a pistol fighting back against the terrorists.
It was Haji, a man trained for battle by his security minister father, and he was trying to quietly coax the women towards him.
When they were too afraid to move as group, it was 4-year-old Portia who emerged from under the table and became part of the unforgettable image captured during the Kenya mall siege.
Battle: Haji, along with other armed police, helped some of the 1,000 people who escaped the Westgate mall get to safety in the early stages of what became a bloody 3-day siege
Battle: Haji, along with other armed police, helped some of the 1,000 people who escaped the Westgate mall get to safety in the early stages of what became a bloody 3-day siege

Family: Katherine Walton moved to Africa with her husband Philip, pictured, two years ago
Family: Katherine Walton moved to Africa with her husband Philip, pictured, two years ago

The Waltons: Four of Philip and Katherine's children are seen here. They will now continue to live happily and thanks to the heroism of Abdul Haji
The Waltons: Four of Philip and Katherine's children are seen here. They will now continue to live happily and thanks to the heroism of Abdul Haji

The girl is seen running toward Haji, whose hand is outstretched. Behind her, Walton and the others can just barely be made out crouching beneath an Asus promotional table.
‘I don't know how she knew to do it but she did,’ Walton told the Telegraph. ‘She did what she was told and she went.’
Other photos show Haji helping the terrified women and children to safety. Katherine Walton was relieved to find her teenage sons, who were supposed to meet her at the mall, safely behind the police line outside the mall.
As for the fame the photo of her daughter has found in the wake of the mall tragedy, Walton told the Telegraph: ‘I was worried about family in America seeing it because we haven't really shared the whole story with them yet. For me, I know the story behind it and that it ends well. I think I owe Mr Haji a hug or two.’
But Haji will have none of the gushing.
‘I think I did what any Kenyan in my situation would have done to save lives, to save other humans regardless of their nationality, religion or creed,’ he said.

Witnesses to the carnage have told AP and other media that gunmen rounded up people, asked questions about Islam that a Muslim would know and told the Muslims to leave the mall. Still, some Muslims were among the victims.
Also among those killed when the militants entered the Westgate Mall on Saturday, firing assault rifles and throwing grenades were six Britons and citizens from France, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, Peru, India, Ghana, South Africa and China.
Asked if al-Shabab had intended to kill foreigners, the group said 'our target was to attack the Kenyan govt on it's soil and any part of the Kenyan territory is a legitimate target ... and Kenya should be held responsible for the loss of life, whether foreigners or local.'
In an interview with NTV, Haji admitted that his brother--who he rushed to the mall to help in the first place--is an anti-terrorism agent and was, until the attack, working undercover.
Haji said that both his father and brother have received death threats in the wake of the attacks now that it is public knowledge that his brother worked to undermine groups like Al-Shabab.
Al-Shabab had threatened retaliation against Kenya for sending its troops into Somalia against al-Shabab, and many of those killed in an attack that horrified the world were Kenyans. The group's leader, Ahmed Godane, said in a new audio statement Wednesday that the attack was carried out in retaliation for the West's support for Kenya's Somalia invasion and the 'interest of their oil companies.' Somalia has untapped energy reserves. More attacks would come, Godane said, if Kenya doesn't withdraw its troops.
Though Kenya's foreign minister earlier said that 'two or three' American citizens may have been involved in the attack, a Western official said that after checking passport and refugee databases, there is not yet an indication any Americans were involved. Several U.S. cities, notably Minneapolis, host large Somali-American communities.
The violence continued elsewhere Wednesday. In the Kenyan town of Wajir, which lies along the border with Somalia, one person was killed and four wounded after a gunman opened fire and threw grenades, the Interior Ministry said.
Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku said forensic experts from the U.S., Israel, Britain, Germany and Canada are all taking part in trying to reconstruct the scene at the mall. He said results would not be ready before a week's time.
Morgue officials in Nairobi have been prepared for the last two days for a large influx of bodies still in the mall. Officials have told AP that the shopping center, which the terrorists held for four days, could hold dozens more bodies. The government has confirmed 72 total deaths: 61 civilians, six security forces and five attackers. The Red Cross says 71 people remain missing.
Al-Shabab said the Kenyan government assault team carried out 'a demolition' of the building, burying 137 hostages in the debris. A government spokesman denied the claim and said Kenyan forces were clearing all rooms Wednesday, firing as they moved and encountering no one.
The al-Shabab claim appeared to refer to the rocket-propelled grenades fired inside the Nakumatt department store, in the incident described to AP by a government official.
In a series of tweets from a Twitter account believed to be genuine, al-Shabab also said that 'having failed to defeat the mujahideen inside the mall, the Kenyan govt disseminated chemical gases to end the siege.'
Kenyan government spokesman Manoah Esipisu told AP that no chemical weapons were used — including tear gas — and that the collapse of floors in the mall was caused by a fire set by the terrorists.
'Al-Shabab is known for wild allegations and there is absolutely no truth to what they're saying,' he said. But officials said the death count will likely rise.
The country's interior minister in a press conference said an 'inconsequential number' of bodies remained in the mall.
The mall's top level parking lot collapsed in the middle of the building. That brought the second level down onto the ground floor on top of at least eight civilians and one or more attackers, said Esipisu.
Lenku said there were no indications that a woman took part in the attack, despite persistent press speculation, and he said officials have not yet confirmed reports that the attackers had rented a shop inside the mall.
U.S. Ambassador Robert Godec said Wednesday that Washington is providing technical support and equipment to Kenyan security forces and medical responders. Godec said the U.S. is assisting the investigation to bring the attack's organizers and perpetrators to justice.
In another development, a British man was arrested in Kenya following the terrorist attack, Britain's Foreign Office said.
British officials are ready to provide assistance to the man, the agency said in a statement Wednesday. Officials would not provide his name or details. He is believed to be in his 30s. Britain's Daily Mail newspaper said he was arrested Monday as he tried to board a flight from Nairobi to Turkey with a bruised face and while acting suspiciously.
Kenyan officials have said that 11 suspects in total have been arrested in connection with the attack, including at least seven at the airport. They are being questioned, said the government spokesman.
The International Criminal Court in the Hague has said it is prepared to work with Kenya to bring the attackers to justice. ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said in a statement that while Kenya has primary jurisdiction in the slaying of civilians in the Westgate Mall, the atrocity could also fall under the court's jurisdiction.
Al-Shabab, whose name means 'The Youth' in Arabic, first began threatening Kenya with a major terror attack in late 2011, after Kenya sent troops into Somalia following a spate of kidnappings of Westerners inside Kenya.
The mall attack was the deadliest terrorist attack in Kenya since the 1998 al-Qaida truck bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, which killed more than 200 people

WeAreOne Campaign Raised Sh 90 Million in 4 Days

Westgate's #WeAreOne Campaign Raised Sh 90 Million in 4 Days... Bring Zack Back Home Sh 70 Million in 60 Days

Kenyans just have a certain way of thinking.
In the past 4 or so days, almost Sh100 million has been raised for the Westgate victims. This is through the various mobile money platforms.

Safaricom yesterday announced the official closure of We Are One Mpesa paybill number 848484. Over Sh92 million was raised on its platform.

Airtel and Orange also had their own paybill numbers.

Last year, the Kenya Paraplegic Organization, in conjunction with Safaricom, had the Bring Zack Back Home campaign.
According to the official website, the campaign raised Sh73 million, against the required Sh250 million. The construction of the spinal injury rehabilitation centre has since begun.

Bring Zack Back home campaign took over two months, while the Westgate campaign took less than a week. Kenyans really have a certain way of doing things..

We can only hope that the money collected this week will be used to treat those injured, and help families of those who lost their lives.
Perhaps a more lasting solution would be sensitizing the public on the value of health insurance
- See more at:

Fighting with umbrellas and staff picking their nose

Fighting with umbrellas and staff picking their nose: Viewers' outrage at antics of BBC News workers behind presenters during broadcast

  • Glass wall of new Broadcasting House studio gives full view of newsroom
  • Journalists seen having 'fights with umbrellas' during serious broadcasts
  • BBC journalists also complain they are on show 24/7 like 'pandas in a zoo'
A sneaky dig up the left nostril when you're driving the car... the time you dump your towel post-shower and then realise the curtains aren't closed... we all know those 'private moments' that suddenly become horribly public.
Even so, it seems to be taking a while for BBC staff to realise just how much viewers can see going on in the newsroom through the glass wall at the back of their new 24-hour news studio.
As presenters Huw Edwards and Fiona Bruce intone the issues of the day, viewers' attention has been distracted by the journalists supposedly behind the scenes - as they chomp bananas, chat, yawn, stretch, pick their noses and even flirt and playfight in their open-plan office.
Scroll down for video
Break in news: Whatever anchor Huw Edwards is saying, it's entirely upstaged by the chap in the background enjoying a healthy, low-GI snack
Break in news: Whatever anchor Huw Edwards is saying, it's entirely upstaged by the chap in the background enjoying a healthy, low-GI snack
Social media websites are filled with complaints about the antics of staff in the Corporation's multi-million pound 'fish bowl' newsroom in London's Broadcasting House, where it moved from its previous home in Television Centre in March.
One licence fee-payer Mike Jennings expressed despair on Twitter when he spotted employees mucking about as a serious news story was being broadcast.
He tweeted: 'Man talking gravely about floods on BBC News, Adults in background pretending their umbrellas are lightsabers.'
Another viewer, Mark Hutchings, was distracted by a public display of affection between staff while an interview was taking place in the foreground.
Awkward: Having a stretch or celebrating a goal from his team - whatever this employee is doing, it doesn't seem a great backdrop to a story about a plane crash
Awkward: Having a stretch or celebrating a goal from his team - whatever this employee is doing, it doesn't seem a great backdrop to a story about a plane crash

Digging deep: The glass wall behind Sophie Raworth may blur things a little, but it looks as if the woman behind her is giving her nose a good clean
Digging deep: The glass wall behind Sophie Raworth may blur things a little, but it looks as if the woman behind her is giving her nose a nice clean
He tweeted: 'Surgeon on BBC News Channel from Southampton newsroom. In the background two journalists are hugging. I know it’s Friday but...'
A fellow viewer added: 'Wow BBC News your new newsroom background to the newsreader is WAY too visually distracting! We don’t need to see all your employees at once.'
Busted: Viewers have been unimpressed by some of the distractions going on in the newsroom

Hair-raising: Journalist Alex Murray had a moment of shame thanks to the corporation's all-too-open-plan office
And the Beeb's employees have also been forced to cringe over the side-effects of their new workplace conditions.
Journalist Lee Thompson tweeted: 'My bald spot just been shining brightly in the background behind legendary Sir Harold Evans on BBC News Channel. The shame.'
Staff have previously labelled their new offices a 'bear pit' and complained that they feel like 'pandas in a zoo'.
Some even called for the glass to be opaque, predicting - correctly, as it turns out - that inappropriate behaviour would be caught on camera as tragic and harrowing stories were being discussed in the studio.
Am I boring you? Sophie Raworth's financial bulletin has an unwitting commentary provided by a staff member in the background
Am I boring you? Sophie Raworth's financial bulletin has an unwitting commentary provided by a staff member in the background

Working hard: BBC staff meet for a proper chinwag in between two presenters during an afternoon broadcast
Working hard: BBC staff meet for a proper chinwag in between two presenters during an afternoon broadcast

Snack time: A woman reaches for the crisps in another instance of unwitting screenbombing at Broadcasting House
Snack time: A woman reaches for the crisps in another instance of unwitting screenbombing at Broadcasting House
Broadcasting House, located in Portland Place and Langham Place in the centre of the capital, has became the sole headquarters of the BBC when its 50-year-old White City home closed.
The ultra-modern extension to the famous 1932 art-deco building was designed by architect Sir Richard MacCormac.
But MacCormac was fired by the BBC after a row over funding and another firm was brought in to complete the extension.
A BBC spokesman said: 'Our newsroom is designed to showcase the best of the BBC’s journalism and to enable teams from all platforms to work together more collaboratively and efficiently. Staff are aware that they should behave appropriately.

Anne Kiguta Quits KTN.. Heads To Citizen

Anne Kiguta Quits KTN.. Heads To Citizen


Anne Kiguta is set to leave KTN this October. This is according to Ghafla Kenya.
Apparently, she's set to report to duty at Citizen TV on October 1st.
Late last year, we reported that she had been spotted having a meal with Royal Media CEO, Wachira Waruru, at a Lavington hotel.

Anne has been hosting KTN's Sunday night show, CheckPoint, and her departure will be a big blow for the Mombasa Road based station.
It is not clear what her role at Citizen TV will be, especially because the station is full of star news presenters.
It would be a surprise if she replaced Julie Gichuru on Sunday, or Lilian Muli on Friday and Saturday, or Janet Mbugua on weeknights.

The site is also reporting that Moses Kuria, a regular on KTN's newsnight, has had his contract terminated after he penned an article criticising Standard on Sunday's new columnist Makau Mutua.


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Wednesday 25 September 2013

This Is What Happens When You Shoot

This Is What Happens When You Shoot an iPhone 5S With a Sniper Rifle

Apple's Gold iPhone 5S's are so rare — they're has sold out until October — that people are bidding up to $10,000 for them on eBay.
We showed you a lucky handful of people who snagged one when they first went on sale last Friday ... but one of them landed in the hands of Richard Ryan, a video blogger who specializes in slow motion video of things being destroyed by gunfire.
This week's edition: The gold iPhone gets shot with a Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle.
Ryan initially puts the gold iPhone to the drop test on dirt, concrete, and a into a bowl of water. To Apple's credit, the phone keeps working. But the phone fails the 50 caliber speeding bullet test.

Raila Odinga To Launch Autobiography Next Month

Raila Odinga To Launch Autobiography Next Month

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is set to launch his autobiography next month, according to .
Reportedly, the over 1000 page book went to press this week, and it should be out in two weeks time. Raila will launch the book on October 6, before he embarks on a two weeks trip to the US.

The book is expected to give an account of Raila's personal life and his political journey. Perhaps we should expect to find out some things not in the public domain.
This will definitely be a must read.


MUTAHI NGUNYI - Moving ole Lenku From Beverages Manager To Interior Secretary Was a Disaster

Interior Secretary Joseph ole Lenku told Kenyans that the terrorists at Nakumatt had burnt some mattresses to distract the soldiers chasing them, so they could manage to escape.
Hours later, an aerial video showed that part of the rooftop parking had collapsed, with the vehicles burnt.

This put into doubt ole Lenku's theory.

Aside from that, ole Lenku's overall performance did not impress. This is according to seasoned political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi.
In a series of tweets yesterday, he said it was a disaster to move ole Lenku from Utalii hotel to the interior ministry.
He also urged the president to fire Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Julius Karangi and NIS director general Julius Karangi.


PHOTOS - With KDF Having Toys Like These, Al-Shabaab Stood No Chance

The Kenya Defence Forces were able to defeat the terrorists at Westgate, following days of fighting. Three floors of the building collapsed, and it is not clear how many hostages were being held at that time.
There have reports that it was actually KDF soldier who blew up the place.

Witnesses have been quoted saying that the gunmen were holding very big and long guns. They also came with grenades.
However, with the weapons that KDF came carrying, no way the enemy stood a chance.
This is what I mean.