Thursday 26 September 2013

It's Part of The New World Order


Westgate Was a Hoax; Fake Blood, Paid Actors, Staged Explosions... It's Part of The New World Order

A YouTube video uploaded this week was fast approaching 100,000 views. It alleged that the Westage terror attack was just a big hoax; Fake blood, paid actors, staged explosions, etc.

The original video has been deleted, but several copies had been re-uploaded already.

The narrator goes through some photos from Daily Mail, and his main argument comes from the clear shots the photographers seemed to get. He wonders how anyone would capture such clear photos in the middle of a shooting.
The guy says there's a big conspiracy by the world governments and media, and it's all part of the new world order.
This is the same guy who claimed the US government staged the Boston Marathon explosions.

Watch the video.

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