Wednesday 25 September 2013

Sexy lingerie

Sexy lingerie found at home of 'White Widow': Officers 'uncovered colourful underwear in search of Kenyan safe house'

  • Scotland Yard officer giving evidence at Mombasa trial of Jermaine Grant
  • Detective says police retrieved collection of pink, black and red lingerie
  • Villa in Nyali was one of five being rented by Samantha Lewthwaite, 29
  • Police foiled her plot with Grant to blow up British tourists in Dec. 2011

British anti-terror officers yesterday told a court how a colourful selection of sexy underwear was found at one of the ‘White Widow’s’ Kenyan safe houses.
Giving evidence at the trial of Samantha Lewthwaite’s accomplice, Jermaine Grant, in Mombasa, Scotland Yard counter-terrorism detective Robert Garrick said police retrieved a collection of pink, black and red lingerie along with the Muslim convert’s birth certificate.
The villa, in the Nyali district of the Indian Ocean resort, was one of five being rented by Lewthwaite, 29, before police foiled her and Grant’s plot to blow up British tourists in December 2011.
Samantha Lewthwaite
Jermaine John Grant (C, in white), a British citizen, is guarded by Kenyan police in court in Shanzu
Evidence: Samantha Lewthwaite (left) and Jermaine Grant (right), both 29, from Newham, east London, have been charged with planning to cause the loss of lives and possessing bomb-making chemicals

Both Lewthwaite and Grant, 29, from Newham, east London, have been charged with planning to cause the loss of lives and possessing bomb-making chemicals.
These include electrical switches, acetone, hydrogen peroxide and ammonium nitrate - the same chemical used by Lewthwaite’s husband Jermaine Lindsay when he blew up a Piccadilly Line tube in 2005, killing 26 people.

A team of anti-terror officers, who have been working with the Kenyan police, flew to Mombasa to give evidence at Grant’s trial.
Yesterday it emerged that after fleeing Britain, Lewthwaite lived in the Johannesburg under an alias and ran up huge bank debts

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